Donate Today!

As a nonprofit organization, we rely on charitable contributions from people like you to continue to bring the universe to you.

Please consider making a gift to the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center’s annual fund today!

Your gift plays a vital role, not only in allowing for improvements to the museum—like updating exhibits and licensing new planetarium shows to highlight the latest scientific discoveries—but in keeping programs accessible and affordable to all visitors. These efforts include low-cost field trips, virtual Super Stellar Fridays, and AerospaceFest, our free annual celebration of STEM.

Each year 45,000 visitors come to the Discovery Center to explore the universe around us, to discover new interests, and to be inspired to follow their curiosity. Join us today by making your contribution to support STEM education in our community!

To make your gift, please select the appropriate option below—choose “Individual Contributions” if you are donating in the name of an individual and choose “Business Contributions” if you are donating in the name of a business or organization. Thank you for your generosity!

If you'd prefer to mail your donation - or if you’d like to have a conversation with us about making an impact with your gift, finding out more about what specific needs we have or special projects we are planning for the future, or want to learn more about sponsorship opportunities, please get in touch:

Katie Marinoff-Silk, Director of Development
McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center
2 Institute Drive
Concord, NH 03301
603-271-7827 x104

Adopt a Star
in the planetarium theater

Adopt a star in the Discovery Center's planetarium and help support the educational mission of the Discovery Center. Your star shines bright during every Tonight's Sky planetarium show for one year (Star level) or ten years (Galaxy level). Your designation can be a maximum of 20 characters, including spaces. You may also choose your favorite constellation and we will pick the brightest available star for you; or let us pick the constellation.

With your gift you can…

Honor a loved one with a memoriam

Celebrate a graduation, wedding, or birth of a child

Adopt a star in your own name

Display a quotation of your choice

To adopt a star, click here.

Please indicate a donation of $125 for a one-year adoption or $1000 for a 10-year adoption, and include information about what star you’d like to adopt and the text you’d like to display. Email Katie Marinoff-Silk ( with any questions you may have.